Quick Install Instructions

Dear Customer,

Here are some VERY IMPORTANT instructions for loading my sound sets into your Hardware Wavestate or into your Native VST plugin:

Please read my written install manuals very carefully! This is important for my sound packs to work well.

Here is a quick install help:


1. Please check that you have the latest updates of the Wavestate firmware:


2. Download these 2 programs from the Korg Website "Sample Builder" and "Editor Librarian:


3. connect the WaveState via USB to your computer

4. I always recommend to make a backup of your own patches - just in case.

Note: when you load my sample bank into your WS, your own sample bank - only the samples that you loaded (if you have loaded any into the WS) will be erased from the internal WaveState memory (Not the factory samples)

5. start the program „sample builder“ and load my bank file -> xxx.korgbank (the xxx is just a place holder for the soundest that you purchased)

Then press "Send" to send it to the WS.
Sometimes sample builder asks you to select some samples. So don’t get irritated by that - I labeled everything quite clear so that it should not be difficult. Each song has its own sample folder.

6. Open the program WaveState Editor/Librarian to import my xxx.wsbundle file, which is in the related patches folder, into the WaveState and that’s it

If the Sequences are not running, please check, that the Clock is set to „internal" (Utility Menu)

Now - Disconnect the USB cable from your WaveState and restart the Synth.

7. Check if you have deactivated the Octave Buttons of your Wavestate! They should be deactivated (No LEDs on)

You will find the Soundset in the Collections Area in the Editor and the hardware WS.


1. Please check that you have the latest update of the Native PlugIn

2. Download the program "Sample Builder" from the Korg Website:

3. Start the program sample builder and load my bank file > >xxx.korgbank with: “open Bank(the xxx is just a place holder for the soundest that you purchased)

4. Go to the file menu and select "save bank for plug-in" and press save.

5. Open your WaveState native plugIn and select: „User Sample Banks“ in the menu at he top right (3 little dots).

6. Select the folder where you just saved the compiled Bank file into

7. select the librarian mode of the plugin and import (top right in the menu) the related patches bundle file

xxx.wsbundle - which you find in the related patches folder.

8. If the Sequences are not running, please check, that the Clock is set to „internal" (Top right)

9. Close and Restart the Plugin

If you still have questions do not hesitate to contact me via mail at: maik@maikschott.de

Kind regards and a lot of joy with the sounds